White-winged Cinclodes, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Black-crested Tit-tyrant (also known as Maranon Tit-tyrant), Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Female Tyrian Metaltail, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Chiguanco Thrush, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Cinereous Conebill, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Shining Sunbeam, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Buff-bellied Tanager, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pygmy Owl, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Bran-coloured Flycatcher (cryperythrus form), Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Bare-faced Ground-dove, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Buff-bridled Inca-finch, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Andean Flicker, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Great Thrush, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Marvellous Spatuletail site, Pomacochas, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Green-and-black Fruiteater, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Great Thrush, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Cinnamon Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Sharp-shinned or Plain-breasted Hawk, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Paradise Tanager, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Blue-necked Tanager, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Male Lined Antshrike, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Olive-chested Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Ornate Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Rufous-collared Sparrow, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Burnished-buff Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Blue-grey Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Tree Snake, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Rufous-fronted Thornbird (the isolated, endemic peruvianus form that may be split), Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Black-faced Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Black-faced Nunbird, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Amazilia Hummingbird, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Grey Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Band-tailed Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Band-tailed Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Blackish Oystercatchers, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Inca Tern, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Inca Tern, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pelican, Guanay Cormorant and Peruvian Booby, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Guanay Cormorants and other seabirds, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Inca Tern, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September (Steve Gantlett). |
Guanay Cormorants and other seabirds, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pelican, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Guanay Cormorant, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Southern Sealion, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Southern Sealion, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 ((Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Inca Terns, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Humboldt Penguins, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Guanay Cormorants, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Martin Davies, Bill Thompson, Chris Knights et al. aboard the pelagic ship off Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 ((Steve Gantlett). |
Hudsonian Whimbrel, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Chris Knights and Chris Harbard, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Mantis, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |
Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett). |