Peru September 2007

A selection of bird photographs taken on the Prom Peru first Bird Fair to Peru

(Northern Circuit) in September 2007. The birds are followed by insects and then people.


















White-winged Cinclodes, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Black-crested Tit-tyrant (also known as Maranon Tit-tyrant), Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Female Tyrian Metaltail, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Chiguanco Thrush, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Cinereous Conebill, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Brown-backed Chat-tyrant, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Shining Sunbeam, Cajamarca, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Buff-bellied Tanager, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pygmy Owl, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Bran-coloured Flycatcher (cryperythrus form), Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Bare-faced Ground-dove, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Buff-bridled Inca-finch, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Andean Flicker, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Great Thrush, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Marvellous Spatuletail site, Pomacochas, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Green-and-black Fruiteater, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Great Thrush, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Cinnamon Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Sharp-shinned or Plain-breasted Hawk, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Paradise Tanager, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Blue-necked Tanager, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Male Lined Antshrike, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Olive-chested Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Ornate Flycatcher, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Rufous-collared Sparrow, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Burnished-buff Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Blue-grey Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Tree Snake, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Rufous-fronted Thornbird (the isolated, endemic peruvianus form that may be split), Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Black-faced Tanager, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Black-faced Nunbird, Tarapoto, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Amazilia Hummingbird, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Grey Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Band-tailed Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Band-tailed Gull, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Blackish Oystercatchers, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Inca Tern, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Inca Tern, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pelican, Guanay Cormorant and Peruvian Booby, Pucusana, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Guanay Cormorants and other seabirds, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Inca Tern, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September (Steve Gantlett).


Guanay Cormorants and other seabirds, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pelican, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Booby, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Guanay Cormorant, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Southern Sealion, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Southern Sealion, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 ((Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Inca Terns, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Humboldt Penguins, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Guanay Cormorants, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Pelicans, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Peruvian Boobies, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Martin Davies, Bill Thompson, Chris Knights et al. aboard the pelagic ship off Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 ((Steve Gantlett).


Hudsonian Whimbrel, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Chris Knights and Chris Harbard, Isla Asia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Maranon, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Leimebamba, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Butterfly, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Mantis, Abra Patricia, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


Barry Walker et al., Abra Patricia Lodge, Peru, September 2007 (Steve Gantlett).


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